The sun lights up the trees, turning the leaves into a vivid green,
the sun's last stand before night falls.
It peaks out from behind the old
graffiti- ed brick building
that we explored some time ago.
Thoughts come
and then melt away, like shadows do, at this time of day,
and whether to my contentment or regret, its impossible not think of you.
Yes, our feet have trod on this very same path that I walk now.
But never mind those memories.
The sun is setting quickly now, coloring the soft clouds
in pale pinks and purples, and grayer shades of blue.
Where should I go?
Could I but lift my body off this earth and into the masterpiece shining before my eyes...
instead I continue to meander
past the little girls dancing to music on their porch
past the empty playground with its plastic toys and squeaky swings.
Gazing into the sky, I smile, ever so slightly.
I know you would savor this spectacle as much as I do.
Different steady rhythms surround me:
sprinklers whisking water across the thirsty grass
car engines whir as they race past
my footsteps, my heartbeat (it was here that I automatically wrote "heartbreak" instead of heartbeat. Freudian slip?)
*****************edited section (sap)*****************************************
Blinking, I sent those thoughts away, and step by step, come closer to home.
The sky's colors have faded and come to rest in a deep shade of blue
and my thoughts, too, drift away with the clouds on the breeze.
Heh. Feel free
not to destroy my self esteem by confirming how lame this poem is. :)