Stream of Consciousness

I guess this is what you would call writing anything and everything in the most honest way possible...almost...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Quick vent

*deep breath*
It's finally Friday. Though we didn't have school Monday, it still felt like a long week (through its duration, that is). Hopefully our last softball practice today, assuming we don't suddenly play amazing at the tournament and go to state. To be honest, I'm tired of softball. I enjoy it, but the long season has indeed jaded me.
Okay I need to vent really quick about things I've been observing lately.
Question: Why is it that everywhere I go at school, in every class, there are always sexual jokes or innuendos going on? It drives me absolutely CRAZY! You know how you guys usually don't see me get really angry? Well this is definitely touching on truly upsetting me. Here are these stupid boys, joking to each other- making girls into sex objects, doing gross moves or hand motions, drawing disgusting pictures...I mean honestly! And then do the girls make it any better? Do they defend themselves and their dignity by putting these boys in their place? No! They either play along or start it themselves!! So both boys and girls think it's the norm to joke around about sex like it's some meaningless thing people randomly do for fun, not as a sacrament between spouses. I see these girls in class, teasing the guys by making sexual jokes to each other, doing nasty motions, being seductive or scandalous... It's disgusting. I don't want to sound self-righteous because this has nothing to do with me, but I've been noticing this more and more lately. I don't know if these girls know what they're doing to themselves- they're making themselves objects, as if guys don't do that to them enough as it is (no offense to the guys who read this- you know you are exceptions).
Words cannot express my frustration with sex-obsessed humanity at this age!
I have living proof in several persons that it is indeed possible to be a teenager and NOT be obsessed with sex. *sigh* Yet sometimes I find it hard to convince myself that not every boy is a pervert and not every girl is a skank.
Pardon my pessimism.
Okay I could vent more, maybe, but the parents just put in "Windtalkers," and it has Nicholas Cage!
Thus, I am gone.
I get to see Arts Alive tonight, play softball tomorrow, hopefully not all day, then what? Do homework and hang out at home. Boring. But whatever. It'll
OWWWWWWW! I have a huge knot forming in my shoulder as I type. Too bad that my "skillz" at massaging don't help me. Haha.


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