Stream of Consciousness

I guess this is what you would call writing anything and everything in the most honest way possible...almost...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


No! Time! To! Update!
Barely! Enough! Time! To! Get! Online!
Nothing! Of! Substance! To! Say! (Or maybe No!Time!To!Say!It!)


I'm slowly crawling toward Spring Break. I can see it in the distance...reeeeachhh!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Life Conference and blah blah

Barbara McGuigen is amaz-z-zing!!! Norma McCorvey is...very real. Terri Schaivo's sister is a good speaker (and she's gorgeous). I got some good notes from the Life conference. I hope my religion teacher lets Laura and I talk about what happened and what people said...because there was some good stuff.

And I got some rad t-shirts!! HECK YES! Ohhh yeah.
Guess what I did Friday night? Homework. Man. That is just sick and wrong. Haha. I kicked my Insights assignments in the behind, though. HOO-rah.
I don't have much deep to, I am unable to speak about my feelings at this time, with this audience. No offense.
I watched "Say Anything" with Jon Cusack. Yay for mushy classic chick flicks. I think I'll call Monica and have her come over and watch it.
Okay yeah I'll be going.
The Life conference gave me more conviction, and I'm going to see if I can get Barbara McGuigen to come to our school for a day- she has a really good talk for teenagers that I know for sure people in my class (including me) need to hear. We'll see what happens.

Actually, that's how my life is right now. "We'll see what happens..."
That, and "Jesus, I trust in thee" and "Thy will be done."
Yes. Submission and trust. That's all I can do.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Once Upon A Time

Something strange: For a week or so (maybe less) (and this was before James' latest post) the phrase
Once upon a time... has been stuck in my head.
How a phrase can get stuck in your head, who knows, but really. Whenever there's quiet, I suddenly think, "Once upon a time, once upon a time..."
*shrugs* Who knows?

Sadies tomorrow. I expect fun, but besides that, I don't know what's going to happen.
Yikes. I'm exhausted, and it's caused me to become pessimistic.
...darn...I need a pick-me-up.
Oh well. My brother's birthday party in a few minutes. Then I'll go to bed or something. Probably bed, since my eyes are hurting for some weird reason.
Later. I'll describe Sadies, if I can. Wait no, the next day, because it'll be Yeah. Okay.
I'm really really thirsty. Bye then.

Once upon a time, there was a boy...
Once upon a time, there was a girl...
who lived in a place where it never rained...

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Hey you!

You lazy peeps that read my journal need to comment. I'm only feeling the lurve from Ryan, guys, come on.

Anyway, I just wanted to say, after the last angst-y posts, that I'm good. And though there are things I am midly concerned about, I am no longer sad and upset about them. Yay.
Just thought I'd let you know (Ryan. Since no one else reads this.).