VICTORIA IS STRUGGLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!To be totally honest.Arghhh!!
It's wonderful when you realize how beautiful life is. Not that it's easy, or happy-go-lucky...but that overall, it's a beautiful thing.I'm so much happier now than I used to be. This is owed to a more optimistic perspective, a goofy and affectionate "boyfriend" (as much as I loathe that term), significant weight loss (not gonna lie) that has helped my self-esteem, prayer, and good friends. Among other things I can't think of.Sure, I still have bad days, but overall...things are good. Got that research paper turned in, finished most of my homework for the weekend, got a couple new pieces of clothing...I can survive upcoming finals, as shaky as I am when I say that.This post is so random. So stream of consciousness. But I guess that makes sense.The seniors are graduating. I'm going to miss them so much. Ah! I have to sign Andy's yearbook this weekend, and I don't know what I'm going to say, or how I'm going to say it. "You've made me so happy...and now you're leaving." Then what? God will give me the right words...until then, I'm going to go do laundry. :)
That friend I was worrying about earlier...Let's just say it's funny how things happen. Ha.
There is a newer friend of mine who has been struggling lately.
I wish he would talk to me about it, but he just sighs and shrugs and says things are hard right now.
He says he feels empty.
This is the kid who makes me laugh all the time. This is the kid who I've come to really care about. Seeing him sad is horrible because I'm so used to him being hilarious. And I can't do anything about it. I can't make him feel better. I try, but there's only so much I can do.
I don't know. I wish I could help. Mr. Powers would say I can't control what people feel. That's correct.
But I hate that helpless feeling. Seeing him sad is really depressing. No joke.
*sigh* Andy, feel better...
Sometimes you just have to let things go. You have to let people go.
It hurts, but pining will do nothing for you. Nothing except hurt you even more, like it's doing now.
I'm supposed to be sledding right now, but my mom is 45 minutes late coming home and taking me.
I'm considering just forgetting about it. But that'd be sad.
March for Life

I am so incredibly excited to once again stand on the steps of my state's capital and protest abortion.
I've done it for years now and I've never gotten tired of it. I get such an adrenaline rush, just by holding up a sign and praying out loud. Maybe it's because I feel like I might actually be making a difference by showing what I believe in (what the Church believes in).
And the funny thing is, I saw the cutest babies today during Mass. They made my day, and made me really wonder whether I could be a nun and not have children. Geez. I also had a really psychic moment- it was awesome. Ask me about it and I'll tell you.
Now I'm really tired. My best guy friend is coming over for breakfast tomorrow, then I have to clean and do homework so I have time to visit my aunt who's stopping by. Ah!
It'll be fun, though.
Pictures above are from last year's rally. :-)
Last Day of the Year
This is the part where I look back over the year and try to remember all the things that have happened, the good and the bad.
This is the part where I reflect on all I've learned, and then write resolutions on how I can use that knowledge to make myself a better person.
This is the part where I try and let go of any and all pain I've gone through, forgive those who have hurt me, and forgive myself for hurting others.
This is the part where I thank God for another year, and ask for His guidance throughout the coming year.
This is the part where I consider how much I love my friends, and how thankful I am for having them with me this year.
This is the part where I choose to make this next year a year worthwhile.
I will be intelligent, I will be kind, I will be loving, I will be optimistic.
The coming year has loads of potential. And I intend to fulfill that potential to the best of my ability.
My motto will continue to be "Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam," because I can not think of anything that would be better than living for God's greater glory.
This is one of the best times of the year. The air is cold, reddening your cheeks and nose, you can see your breath, you appreciate warmth. The freezing temperature is a perfect excuse to hide out inside and bundle up, perhaps with a mug of hot chocolate or cider, and a book or movie, and maybe a friend if you're lucky. The sky is white during the day, then pink at night, building anticipation for snow which covers the world in white and a sense of quiet beauty (side note: I love going to bed when the sky is pink). The holiday season makes everyone a bit more cheerful, you have reason to sing carols loudly down the hallway (I did that today). You can go on walks and complain of the cold, but the people you're with makes it all worth it. The lights on the streets and trees and houses make everything more beautiful...Jesus was about to be born many years ago, the little child who would save us all...
I love this time of year.