Stream of Consciousness

I guess this is what you would call writing anything and everything in the most honest way possible...almost...

Monday, November 27, 2006

Arbitrary Thoughts


I ran a lot today in basketball (more than 25 laps in 8 minutes...HOO-RAH!).
My legs hurt. There are too many plays to memorize.

I ate a few truffles and I won't be eating any more chocolate for several months. *twitches*
Choc!late! ov!er!dose! Blegghhhh.

Today I was tired, because though I was in bed yesterday approximately 10 minutes from now, I could NOT fall asleep for the life of me, and I tossed and turned and kept waking up all night. It caused me great sadness and misfortune.
But I dreamed I saw my friend Anjali. And that's all I can remember. Dang.
I love dreaming, but I hate it when I can't remember, and even more when I remember but they're stupid. Grr.

As nerdy as this sounds, I enjoyed reading the rest of Act 2 of Twelfth Night. Eye likey Shakespeare.
And the gym that we were at for practice had an EMERSON QUOTE on the wall! The one that I have as a magnet! Yes!

Okay I have to go. Antonio needs help with vocab (meaning I have to write half of them).
I didn't read any of our 50 pages of history; then again, I started homework at 7:30pm (not by choice, guys, geez, I got home at 7 and had to eat dinner!).
Time time time is running out.

Picking a random Psalm for religion homework made me realize how much I miss reading the Bible.

My sister just said she was fat.
Thus, my low self esteem just PLUMMETED.
Rock.bottom. Blast this feminine insecurity!

You guys are so lucky. Soooo lucky.

blahblahblahblah. Nothingimportantblahblah.


Blogger Zeta Xariel said...

Wait, did your sister say you were fat or did she say she was fat? Or was she talking about Oprah? Ima So Confused. That's my new name. It is NOT a girl's name. I am typing.

I'm supposed to drop 3 pounds for wrestling, even though I'm under 5% percent body fat (aka, Ryan is severely underweight)

10:45 PM  
Blogger A Person said...

25 laps! I ran cross-country and i'm a guy, and even I have to give you props for doing that.

Well, I like reading the Bible and Shakespeare too. I have the movies of Shakespeare's plays with Kenneth Branagh. He's such a stud (wait I gave that word up, darn)Also, I have a book called Light for My Path, an organized Bible quotebook.

And us guys are insecure too, or at least i am. I don't weighlift for nothing!! I told the barber to leave the hair covering my forhead to hide my acne. I realized some time ago that even the best of girls don't judge purely on personality. Like I said, one has to be attracted to you physically and personality wise to like you that way. Not that I have that good of a personality, but I can't help wondering if that's why so many girls just want to be friends with me. I am just as guilty as those girls, because there's a few girls with incredible personalities that i know, but I could never go out with them because i'm not physically attracted to them. Looks aren't the only factor, but they can shut the door to people who might have wanted to go out with you otherwise. Sometimes, our eyes really blind us to the truth, don't they!!!!

I realize there's only so much I can do to help you relieve your own insecurity, but i don't think I'll get tired anytime soon of making an attempt.

5:03 PM  
Blogger Zeta Xariel said...

Hey, that's why my bangs are so long too! DIE ACNE DIE!!!!

9:20 PM  
Blogger A Person said...

Wow that last comment I left was a mouthful. Even I started getting annoyed reading it! I you in high esteem (in case you haven't figured that out already) I think you shold base your self esteem on what I think of you. that way, you would never be uunhappy. Self esteem rules.

11:43 PM  

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