Stream of Consciousness

I guess this is what you would call writing anything and everything in the most honest way possible...almost...

Friday, December 01, 2006

Attempt to Balance Monotony and Depth

Will the eagle fly/ if the sky's untrue?
Do the faithful sigh/ because they are so few?
Remember when I cried/ Remember when you knew?
Remember the look in your eyes, I know I do...

Jars of Clay is realllllly good meditation/going to sleep music. Yesssss.

Laura is coming over in half an hour and we're going to watch LOST.
Confession and going to girls' varsity basketball game.

It doesn't feel like a Friday to me. Which is nice, I guess, because it is.
Basketball wasn't bad today.
I can't seem to write in complete thoughts- they're just coming in unsystematic pieces.
I felt anti-social again during Art. I hate that feeling, I really do. Sometimes, I don't know...I just get tired of some people...? I hear what they're talking about, see what they're doing, and I don't want to be involved. So I just wander aimlessly around trying not to look lonely.
I got to sing in choir today, which was nice, of course. I'm always afraid people are going to tell me to go away since I'm not part of performing arts, but I just want to sing in church.
I wore my nerdy socks today, which made me feel extra-nerdy, so I was pretty happy all day (until art).

*purses lips* I'm trying to think of something to say that's not about my day or something, because in actuality, I bet reading this stuff is pretty boring. *Ponders/Contemplates/Muses*

I thought of a question today, though I don't remember when. You know that whole "world peace" dream? Is it possible? Won't there always be someone who's going to fight and ruin it, even if the majority is kind and compassionate? And how would wars be solved otherwise? Yes, I'm sure there could be councils and discussions, but IMAGINE how difficult that would be.
Ahhh, world peace would be so nice.
Father Corapi was saying on the radio that September 11 was nothing in comparison to what's going to happen while our society continues to decay. Collective sin, I read, is the cause of many of these horrible things happening to the world (meaning what? tsunamis, hurricanes, blowing up of large important buildings?)

My train of thought just got horribly interrupted for like 7 minutes and a piece of apple pie. Darn.
Oh well. Do you guys get what I'm saying? Yeah. Of course you do. You're all geniuses, right? *winks*

Oh, and I LOVE lunchtime, especially on days when I decide not to do my math homework and there's hilarious and fun chaos going on all around us. (James and I are constantly LAUGHING at your hilarity, Ryan!!! I love it!!) I think I've laughed more this year so far than I had for more than half of last year. Goodness. It's great.

Well I better go. Hopefully I semi-balanced depth with monotony. *shrug*
Later vatos. <-- Haha!!!


Blogger James said...

Yerse. Balance hath beeneth achievethed.
By the way, it's snowing right now. Or at least it was. Weirdest snow I've ever seen.

10:41 AM  
Blogger A Person said...

I made an extremely long post on my blog to comment. At least it started out as a comment, then it was like pouring my thoughts into the Pensieve (as a fellow nerd, i would be dissapointed if you don't know what I'm talking about) that is my computer.

If I thought your blog was boring, I wouldn't have made a post on it or put it on my 300 strong (I know what I like)internet explorer favourite (I think that's how the English spell it, and since they're so superior to us, i should try to emulate them.) list.

Cha, my comment was insane enough to rival Ryan, (chest swelling with pride).......and then some!

Needless to say, I love your blog more each day. And (hopefully) needless to say, I love you more each day, too.

1:36 PM  
Blogger A Person said...

i thought you said you didn't need clothes to be wierd???? I think you're a nerd with or without the socks.

And who gives a dead rat about what Father Korapi says?? That whole "if you don't stop sinning the big G's going to sick a hurricane on you" thing is just a guilt trip abused by religious members with no Scriptural or Catechismical support. I asked Mr. Powers about whether or not this was orthodox with Christian belief or not and he said "No,in fact the concept of predestination is decidedly against the Church's teachings." One thing that Christianity touted over the many gods of pagan Roman culture was that their God cared about them and wasn't mercurial like theirs, destroying ships and stuff just because they neglected to worship him enough. So whoever Father Korapi is (is he that one guy who sounds like Cookie Monster, i think i've heard him before) can take his teachings and....(I'm not going to finish that sentence"

That reminded me of a very good joke by Stephen Colbert (back in his days as a John Stewart Show correspondent) where he shows some clips of spiritual leaders across the globe giving their view on the Hurricane (I think it was Wilma or Rita)saying it was divine intervention and all that and unfortunately (because I really like him) the Dalai Lama was in on it too, (don't Buddhists believe in Karma, or is that the Hindus??)

Here's the punch line though:

After showing the clips he says "But there is a growing sect of people calling themselves "meteorologists" who say that the hurricane was caused by the meeting of a cold front and a hot front. (shakes head in sarcastic cynicism) Riiiiight, then it rode away on a unicorn.

He also said "But as the renowned spiritual leader Donald Rumsfeld once said "Sometimes you gotta worship the God you believe in, and not the one you want". He also said (though I digress more and more from the point) that "Some people looked at the odd shape of the cloud formation surrounding the hurricane and theorized that it was done in revenge of all the babies killed by abortion (he pulled up a picture and pointed out that the cloud ofrmation looked a lot like a fetus, which it did).

Anyways the point of all that is that your foot slipping on the brakes of a car and you crashing into a concrete barrier isn't a work of God, it's your foot slipping on the brakes of a car and you crashing into a concrete barier!!!! (whether you're Catholic or not)

1:32 PM  
Blogger A Person said...

Hey you're profile has 360 views right now, the number of degrees in a circle, add a zero or two and the number of seconds in an hour, and the amount of years after Christ's crucifixion that Christianity was declared to be the official religion of the roman empire.

4:40 PM  
Blogger Zeta Xariel said...

Ahh shucks, I think I'll go swallow some microwaved lint.

I wuv you guys :)

5:12 PM  
Blogger franswazz said...

blacklight arena, dear,
You have not listened to Father Korapi's words because i have many a time and he just simply never says that. He, like yours truly and a few other people know well enough that we do not need God to punish us, we bring it upon ourselves quite nicely! And yes, that would fall into the category of consequences of moral decay.
You sound like a good person, by the way.
PS: I bet I would like your nerdy socks!

11:09 AM  

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