Stream of Consciousness

I guess this is what you would call writing anything and everything in the most honest way possible...almost...

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Bball quiz, lyrics, Rage Against the Machine, fuming

Basketball was canceled, so we took our plays quiz. I think I might've passed, but barely.
Emphasis on barely.

All that I am, all that I ever was
is here in your perfect eyes
They're all I can see...

Sorry I had to. I was singing along with "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol. And now "Chocolate" by them is playing. Yes!
Anyyyyway...I wrote a poem not about insecurity or mushy stuff!!!! Rage against the machine!

Will our thirst ever be quenched?
Will we ever be satisfied?
Closets jam-packed
of all the newest clothes
Headphones blaring
Not caring what's going on.
Mountains of materials
that we just keep on climbing
I'm not lying, this greed
is a god we all serve.
Will it ever be enough?
Surrounded by malls
where money flows out
of our hands and into their pockets.
People know all about Black Friday-
do they have a clue about Good Friday?
When will we realize
that happiness isn't hidden
in our wallets or our closets?
When will we realize
that these material things
won't sustain us or sooth our search for meaning?


And another cheesy Snow Patrol line because I'm too tired to actually write something from my brain!
I don't quite know
how to say
how I feel
Those three words- I said too much
they're not enough...

What a gushy song. I mean, geez.


I'm extremely tired, and I should go over all the flippin notes that I wrote for history, but seeing as I'm dying now...maybe sleep is a good option.
Then I remembered that my library book is a few weeks overdue. Crud! And I already have a fine from a while ago. Gahh. I can't even check out books because I have no time to read them or return them. Derrnnnnit.

Oh I fumed for a while after school about the immaturity and lame-ness of some guys.
All I could do while remaining nice was to give them a look that pretty much said "I TOTALLY do NOT like how you're talking about girls and could you please STOP RIGHT NOW?"
Not only is it disrespectful to girls, but it made me uncomfortable. I was shocked listening to these guys.
I mean, COME ON!
*regains composure*
It's all good. S'all good.

As you can see, this subject struck a chord that's still reverberating.
And it made me realize how happy I am that I'm close with guys that aren't that way.
Boys, thank you for being you. It's a relief that there's still hope in the world. :)


Blogger Zeta Xariel said...

...Well, that pretty much blows apart my views on girls and their "ways" just kidding! Yeah, I know many a person like that over at Richland High.

I like hope. It keeps me going, and keeps me ALIVE.

Buenos noches!

10:21 PM  
Blogger Izzy Galvez said...

Ah yes, materialism. It's a sad thing that we live in a society that glorifies material things, money, and consumption. Where success is proven to our neighbors by the great riches and luxury items we have.

There's even the motto that says,"The one who dies with the most toys wins."...

The truth is, that when you die, you can't take these things with you. I believe that the love of money is the root of many evils, like the Bible says.

And I believe that real riches and success are not measured by bank accounts or material things, but buy the love and generosity which we live by. :)

That was a great poem, Victoria, it says something that isn't said enough, something that we often ignore.

I love the line that says "People know all about Black Friday-
do they have a clue about Good Friday?"


Moving on, I've always loved the quote from Jewish scriptures, which speaks about the value of a woman.

I have it on my MySpace Profile, I'll quote it here though:

"Be very careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears. The woman came out of a man's rib, Not from his feet to be walked on, Not from his head to be superior. But from the side to be equal, Under the arm to be protected, And next to the heart to be loved."


Okay, I think my comment was long enough, lol

Have a great weekend, Victoria,
See you at school on Monday!


- Izzy

3:33 PM  
Blogger A Person said...

Yeah, I don't know about that materialism thing. I can sit here all day and start my own website about anticonsumerism like Larry, and say a whole bunch of things about how bad materialism is. But, the action and change proceeding from all that preaching is really what counts. It's easy to sit there in your two-story house with your I-pod blaring in your ears, typing on a computer, saying "material things don't make me happy" while people in other places have to walk miles to get water that's safe to drink. Not that I'm trying to make you feel guilty, but you have to admit, there is a slight contradiction between your words and your actions in that respect.

That post was thought-provoking, but in the words of Mr.Powers, "I have so much to say to that, but I'm not going to say it." Raincheck, please. (Ha,I copied that from you)

12:16 PM  
Blogger A Person said...

JEWISH scripture, Izzy
(crosses arms) Izzy, you have some 'splainin to do!

I thought that that Value of the Woman thing was cool and here i was impressed with Izzy when it was some other dude's writing. I think that that's ironic that that came from the Jewish Scripture, since in the Old Testament women were "inferior to men" "wives were subordinate to their husband" and woman going through their "womanly woes" were considered unclean and should not be touched.

yes, I think I realize now the "value of a woman." I think now I realize what true love really is, and that women are not objects of infatuation that i should equate with physical excitement and nothing else. Last year, I would have been chatting it up with those fellows enthusiastically on the topic, but i PROMISE that i will try my hardest to never turn a women into an object in any of my actions or words again, and to discourage others from doing the same.

And that strikes a chord with me too when other people do it. I think that sitting there giving them looks is giving them too much tolerance. when one of my friends was talking about a girl I liked in "That way" I could not contain my anger and I yelled "Shut the **** up" and refused to shake hands with him in mass or talk to him the rest of the day. Maybe that was too much, I don't know.

And about that Snow Patrol line about "those three words", boy do I know what they are! and I'm glad that the last time I said them to someone was the first time I've ever truly meant it.

And yes, i still do really like reading your poetry. You convey complex ideas with a simple style, it's really neat. Maybe that's why you don't like your poetry too much, because it's more moder and much more arcane (or is it archaic, i don't have enough strength to go get the dictionary), like mine with all them fancy words and unconventional grammar and graphic metaphors. You don't have to write in the same style as Shakespeare to make good poetry. Your style is simple and there's nothing wrong with that. Hey I started to write some mushy stuff myself "You are the sun in my sky/ And your light will never die" or "My feelings for you transcended infatuation/ And loving you was my only occupation" (that doesn't even rhyme,ha)

But still at the same time, once again "headphones blaring" "closets jam packed" "will we ever be satisfied" "surrounded by malls", you think you might be pointing the finger at everyone but your self, when you are just as gulity. Don't worry I do that sometimes, myself, it's human nature. One thing that really sells a song or poem is when you can tell that the person who wrote/sung it really means what they say and that they're not just hollow words. I don't want you to feel guilty, I just want you to think.

12:49 PM  

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