Stream of Consciousness

I guess this is what you would call writing anything and everything in the most honest way possible...almost...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Warning: Deep and profound story time!

It felt awkward. She stood there in the classroom, packing her bags, glancing up occasionally to see if he was coming. The day hadn’t been good; she was tired, her hands were cold; she had a lot of work to do…what she needed was a hug. From him. She looked up again, and there he was. She smiled at him, eyes sparkling tiredly, just for a second, fading away when she searched his face. He stood a few feet away, his smile cramped and forced. Questions hit her brain in a wave, but she only asked hopefully, “…So…whose turn is it to call tonight?”
He shrugged. “Whatever works out.”
She stood silently for a moment, looking down to hide her disappointment. He obviously didn’t want to talk to her, and she was tired of always being the one calling him. She resolved right then and there that that night, she would not pick up the phone and dial his number. She would not be the one to call. Not this time. Or maybe not anymore at all. He said a hurried goodbye and headed to the bus line. She stayed there in the classroom for a few more minutes, waiting until she was sure the bus kids were gone, waiting until it was safe for her to leave. She sighed, feeling a heavy weight somewhere in her soul.
How do boys make girls hurt so much, she didn’t know or understand. Caring for someone isn’t that hard, is it? Why am I the only one who cares?
That night, she gave in, abandoning her confident plan. She dialed his number, feeling a strange, sickly feeling in her stomach. Something felt wrong. The phone rang, and he picked it up. She knew immediately by his voice he didn’t want to talk. What’s wrong with me? Am I too pathetic, too boring, not pretty enough? She tried to start a conversation anyway, but cautiously.
“So…what are you doing? Are you busy?”
He sounded bored. “I’m watching TV.”
“Oh…so do you want to talk? Or…not…?”
“I don’t really care.” His voice was hollow and unfeeling, and it felt like a slap in the face. She grimaced, biting her lip, and answered slowly, wishing she knew what to say.
“Well…okay then. See you tomorrow.” He said goodbye, and the click was deafening. She crumbled.
So much for my feelings. So much for a mutual relationship. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care about me. He doesn’t want to talk to me at all. Why didn’t I get angry? Why didn’t I let him know that what he said was rude and that it hurt my feelings? Why did I just let him go without standing up for myself? Watching TV?!
He doesn’t care. You’re worthless.

It’s been a few years, yes. Her old friends ask why she never calls them. She smiles lightly and says she doesn’t call anyone. Because she doesn’t. And when she does, if it’s not for homework, she’s scared to death every time that her history will repeat itself, and she’ll be told once again that her feelings aren’t mutual, that they don’t care, that she’s worthless.

Wow! That was deep and profound! A real tearjerker. I had fun writing that. I should do that more often.
Today I was super tired, so I skipped practice, and since my purpose was to go to bed early, I probably should do that. So off I go, at 9:11pm. Nighty night, pumpkins.


Blogger Zeta Xariel said...

Whoa. I totally completely want to talk to you about this more. Failed relationships are a real bummer.

But hey, I don't know a single guy at glorious TC Prep (that you talk to) that wouldn't want to talk to you.

Let me see...Izzy, James, Paul, Randy, Will, ME!!! And probably lots of other guys.

Yeah. I'm going to talk to you about this tomorrow.

11:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Paul. I'm commenting anonomously as well, becuase even though I remember my amazing password, it (whatever it is) won't let me publish.(??)

Well, maybe i'm really insensitive, but that really didn't seem like that big of a deal to me. Sorry.

But it sparked thoughts about the problem I have with talking on the phone. There's some people who have given me their phone numbers, and I love to talk to them. Whenever i want to go and call them though, I say "Now I can't just go and call them without even knowing what I'm going to talk about. Now.... what the *beep* to talk about.??" Not that there isn't plenty to talk about, but I can't just call up and say "Now looking back on all your life, how much do you find yourself learning from your pains and adversities?" Personally, I think it's a fascinating topic, but 1. the other person might not 2. the other person might think it's wierd or random and 3. the things you talk about seem limited by the fact that you're talking on a phone for some reason.

Also, there's the matter of: if you run out of things to say, you have to come up with something immediately, because 30 seconds of hearing someone breathing over the phone can feel like forever. When I'm not in the same room with someone, i just can't think of anything worthwhile to say, and I get nervous and stuff.

I really need to figure out a solution to this problem. It really bothers me!!

But, that might explain why that person said that to you. If someone called me and didn't even know what they were going to talk about, I think I might just not care. That doesn't mean that they don't like talking to you, it might just mean "As flattered as I am that you called me, there's really nothing to talk about right now, and...."

8:14 PM  
Blogger Victoria said...

Thanks anyway Paul, but that's not the reason he didn't talk to me. I guess I might have to explain some more?? but I'm tired and I'm out of time. So maybe later. maybe.

9:48 PM  
Blogger Zeta Xariel said...

Yep, it's just you being insensitive. J/K!!! But seriously, one of the most hurtful things in the entire world is to find that the person you're "crushing on" doesn't care about your opinions.

Oh, I see how it is. I have to leave a negative comment to be worthy of your replies eh?


10:59 PM  
Blogger James said...

Wohba...that was a tearjerker.
I suppose I could be nosy and ask you if this is based on real events, and if so, who it was that did that and if you're okay.
Is that based on real events? If so, who was it that did that? Is you okay or is you...not?
Obviously, you don't have to answer these questions. I'm just being nosy.

12:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will, again, and I still need to comment using this accursed format.
It was fascinating to see your character escalate from "I don't understand" to "emo hysteria". The main reason why this story is true is because (shocker time!) boys are different than girls. I can speak from presonal exrerience that when you're totally obsessed with someone, every one of their moves means somthing, when in fact they have no intention of conveying any feelings or ideas, they just want to get through the day. This state of mind spirals into paranoia, and then eventually ends in disaster because the "obsessee" did some careless thing and unconsciously smote the "obsessor" to pieces. Sometimes, one just has to realize that everying a person does does not necissarily mean somthing, so thay can sleep easyer when the obsessee refused to sit near the obssessor, which was not because the obsesse hates the obsessor, they simply did not realize what retributions their actions can have.
Also, this story portrays the "guy on the phone well". Perhapes the reason the guy did not want to talk was because he failed a history test, and he has a huge report due, and just want to forget about it by watching TV. Plus, guys are generally less locqucious than girls, so when a guy doesn't want to talk, it's most likely because he simply dosen't like talikng, but will try anyway to please the girl. In conclusion, it was a good story, and really goes to show that we can think inside anyone else's head unless they let us.

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Will you are right. As Mr. Powers is fond of saying "there is no window with which we can see into a man's soul." You can only speculate about someone's intentions and speculation like that is cheap. Often times when someone offends me (like when someone earnestly and with kind intentions said that they "appreciated my silence"), i'll stew over it for the day, and the next day I'll ask them about it, they explain their selves and I'll feel dumb for even feeling bad about it.

And also, you're right about how in our minds we make every action of another person significant. Like when someone sits down near you and then leaves a minute or two later, that really hurts me, but I doubt that it actually has anything to do with me. (or does it? I think I hear someone whispering about me through the walls. oh wait.... that's the hum of my regrigerator)

Even if the guy was being a jerk and you were bothering him, I have two things to say. First of all, if that happened to me with someone I liked , yeah it would hurt, but I'd probably get over it really fast. I wouldn't hurt too badly because: just cuz you annoy someone occassionaly doesn't mean they dislike you now.

If I couldn't be friends with people who found me annoying on occassion, or stupid, or told me to shut up, or , or lit my house on fire (Just kidding) then I wouldn't have very many friends. friends don't have to think you're perfect to like you. If someone hurt me over the phone like that, I'd just go to school the next day and I'd just talk to them like it never happened and it might as well HAVE never happened.

And two, if that guy really did just stop liking you with that and never talked to you again, who cares. I look at the girls I liked who hurt me when i told them that, and I say "Gosh I feel so stupid for feeling bad about that!!". I think about those people and i think What the heck was I thinking. I didn't even like them. I'm actually Glad that they said no, becuase now I realize how... normal and uninteresting they all were. I've learned from those mistakes that my judgement of who I liked was really shallow and that I shouldn't rush things and that i can't expect life to just work out perfectly and painlessly.

Also I think it should teach you someting else. well, you know how you girls have to be cowards and leave it to us guys to be the aggressive ones. Well, because of this girls usually play the role of rejector and us guys the rejectees (thanks girls). For once a girl was on the recieving end. so you girls better appreciate our efforts a little bit more,and stop being so condescending and self-righteous.

One guy not liking you doesn't mean that there isn't a single guy in the world who likes you. You don't like the guy anymore,that guy can go to heck (almost every guy in your class at Ck was a jerk anyway), the pain should be over with , just let it go.

1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey this is Paul and I'm here to be a redundant and unneccessary jerk. I found your story to be deep and profound. I found it to be a tear jerker and it moved to me to tears. it was a good story and not bad. It made me think a lot and I found myself pondering over it a good amount. I hope you feel better now, and i hope you don't feel bad anymore.

Signing off and going out,

2:01 PM  

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