Stream of Consciousness

I guess this is what you would call writing anything and everything in the most honest way possible...almost...

Sunday, December 17, 2006

This is a lame post *grins and shrugs*

I've had a pretty darn good weekend, and to make it even more wonderful, the bio project is done, and I don't have basketball tomorrow!!!! So I don't even have to worry about whether or not to skip!!!


And its 11:22pm, I'm finally watching Wimbledon (good romantic comedy-ish movie, though lots of sex-ish stuff *grrr!*) which I've been waiting to watch SINCE MY BIRTHDAY! Geez. And it has a really good happy ending. And its Paul Bettany!

And and and...Um. Shoot. I'm really distracted because Paul Bettany is two points away from winning Wimbledon. This makes me miss playing tennis.

Hey I've always wondered this (uh oh this could be a rant)- all these romantic flicks that us girls watch all the time? Are they leading us the believe in endings that aren't real? I know that after flicks like Wimbledon or You Got Mail or, well you know, chick flicks- I'm all "aww^3" and then I think "Waaaaaiiiiitttt...does this stuff really happen or is it all hollywood make-believe?" Then if I say something like "Pfft, that's so fake" then I'm a cynic?
I don't know. It's confusing. Because teenage girls are lead to believe that if they don't have this perfect happy-go-lucky love, then they're incomplete. And then this perfect happy-go-lucky love doesn't happen, and they get depressed.
When I was younger (I can't be-LIEVE I just said that) I was always depressed after chick flicks because I always wanted that perfect relationship that always worked out.
Then I realized you just have to...well, as Laura would say, "SUCK IT UP!" and be complete by yourself.
Thankfully, I have amazing friends and I am complete.
And I'm totally not going ANYWHERE with this subject, sooooooo I guess I'll just go.
I hate when that happens.

Later dudes.


Blogger Zeta Xariel said...

I have to go to wrestling. Like, right now. Okay bye.


9:38 AM  
Blogger Zeta Xariel said...


When will society stop oppressing me with their unattainable standards?!?!

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is will
I think it's delightfull ironc how you fell depressed after chick flicks. As far as I can tell, the purpose of a chick flick is to distract people from their own life, which is gaurenteeably imperfect, with a perfect life, to make them fell happyer because "in the end, they boy got the girl, the bad guys went to prison, we saved the universe". This is not how it happens in real life, so it shows that you are to mature to be fooled by what hollywood wants you to think.

11:09 PM  
Blogger Victoria said...

Will you are very good at leaving me comments that make me feel good. :)!

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree with you about those chick flicks and stuff (Teenage Tv dramas where everybdy hooks up with everybody and all that). there was a time when I believed that shows like Degrassi were realistic. When I believed that everybody our age was making out and going out and stuff. It sold to me this formula. The formula was: you get to know a girl afew months+ you think she's pretty+ she's your friend+ you ask her out+she says yes= everybody's happy and complete. I believed in this formula, I believed that life would just work out perfectly this way and it gave me the foolish confidence to try out that last step... and let's just say that the formula was ruined from there.

Tv like that does convince you of this idea that if you're not with someone you're not living life and you're a loser.

So in conclusion, don't take Hollywood so seriously, it'll give you false confidence and it'll do some bad stuff to your self-esteem. You suck, Hollywood!!!!!!!!!!!! (and that doesn't apply to Hollywood Records becuase Breaking Benjamin signed with them and they're the best band ever!!)

1:16 PM  

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