Rainy day poem

So today I went on a walk in the pouring rain, and wrote a poem about it that I thought I'd share wit' ya'll.
And this is actually how most of my poems are- they're more like journal entries in poetic form- just to warn you. And it's kind of long. Anyway, the rain was very wet, but beautiful...in a sad, morbid, soggy shredded wheat sort of way (that was for you, James).
Feb 24 2:08pm @ a table outside Safeway after an hour walk in the pouring rain
I set out into the cold, grey world/ with the sky crying, as it has been/
encouraging me to join in./ Soothing melodies in the background.
I head to the river, my favorite place to walk/ and see the empty path ahead./
My breath leaves a cloud/ -your whispered name, hanging in the air-/
I am alone on this road./
I begin to walk/ taking care to step in every puddle/ not minding that my shoes
and pant legs are soaked./ Every song that plays is perfect for the weather/ for where I am/ for how I feel./
I take my time/ thinking or zoning/ depending on the music./ At one moment, I look out to the water/ and three birds are swimming/ leaving three perfect triangles in the water./
And seeing the waves move outwards/ makes it seem, just for a second/
that the world is falling away from my feet./
I stagger, blink, then everything's back to normal./
I continue trudging onward/ the wind whipping at my face, numbing it./
I leave the path/ back to the city/ past the restaurant/
when I see a covered area with a table and chair./ That's the place./
And here we are/ at the present moment./ I'm listening to the rain hit the umbrella/
watching the people pass/ trying to understand what's happening now, in my life./
My fingers are cold/ writing slowly/
Deleted sappy sad poetry here. Don't ask. Heh.
I look at the clock/ and I'm late./ I have homework to do./
I sigh./ The hood goes back on/ music turned back up/ cold hands, back into my pockets/ my shivering self, back on the road, alone./
The end.
I have to go do my homework. Darn. And my job. Darn.
Today was one of those "what did I DO all day?" days. And I still can't decide what to do about softball. I wish I could motivate myself to walk everyday, or run...or SOMEthing.
pfft. Whatever.
Note to self: No matter what happens, God is good. :)
Woah! Are you putting this in your Religion notebook?! I bet you are. I bet you did. I bet I'm not betting anything important; just my IMMORTAL SOUL!!! I bet I'm not really betting my immortal soul, but just said that for dramatic affect.
You thought you were pretty clever with that "click" didn't you! Little do you know that I actually had two phones calling your house, and I could hear you on the other phone!
Post Script:
Just so you know, sometimes the word click causes me to deactivate all electronic devices within a 14.2141 mile radius. Otherwise I would have hung up after you. So there.
I have yet to start a blog on here, actually I came across this entry by doing a google image search for "rain". I am really amazed at the depth of both your photograph and your poem. Thank you for inspiring me today!
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