Stream of Consciousness

I guess this is what you would call writing anything and everything in the most honest way possible...almost...

Saturday, September 23, 2006

lame vs. deep vs. no relationships

I figured it'd be okay if I vented for just a second about an issue that bothers me.

This issue being relationships.
*deep breath*

What is expected out of highschool relationships? At public schools I'm sure it'd be more "who's hot" and stupid sex stuff, but also, there's that whole "date-and-have-fun-and-then-get-bored-and-break-up" thing. What is that? Should high schoolers even have those kind of relationships? Or any kind, for that matter? What if you care deeply for someone, you love spending time with them, you can be yourself around them, you're good friends...does that lead to a relationship? Or what about you thinking this person is cute (I do NOT use the word hot when referring to people) and you'd like to get to know them...what about that? Is that a time for a "relationship"? (I keep spelling it wrong for the first time...gah!)
What happens when people say, "I think you should like him" and "you'd be so cute together" when you hardly know the person? What if you know that if it ever were to be, it'd be one of those previously mentioned lame relationships? Is it worth it?
Should someone, like me, who has always, and will always, value depth and sincerity and faith in a person, give themselves a "break" and just "let it flow," possibly opening a door to a what is thought will be a purely surface relationsihp (gah!!!!) relationship?

I don't know. I was just thinking... overanalyzing. But hey, what else is new?

PS Do people comment on these? Because, boy, that'd be cool.


Blogger A Person said...

I relate to that thing you say about how people are like "you two would be great together." Why do other people my age insist that they know me better than I know myself and that they know better than I who I would be good with? I just want to say "look, I'm not going to take a chance of being turned down by a girl because you told me to. You don't know me, so stop trying to make my decisions for me" One person in particular insists on playing matchmaker before dances and cruelly telling people to ask someone to the dance and lying about how that girl likes him so much, even when that girl has already been asked or does not want to go with him. Doesn't she realize that playing with people's emotions by lying like that is a very sadistic game. I wish she'd just concentrate on getting a date to the dance herself and stop expecting everybody to be nice to her despite how mean she is to people.

7:38 PM  

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